A brief introduction to healing with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is an ancient system of healing that originated in China more than 3,000 years ago. It involves many branches such as Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Tuina (Chinese massage & Acupressure), and Chi Kung (energy work & meditation).
What makes Traditional Chinese Medicine amazing is its ability to view the human body as a whole, taking into consideration the patient’s physical, mental, and emotional state.
Acupuncture uses very fine, sterile needles that are gently inserted into specific acu-points.
Needles are inserted along energy channels on the body to activate and regulate the body’s energy. These energy channels, called meridians, connect to our internal organs, providing a system to interact with the functioning of the whole body. Acupuncture stimulates the natural healing potential of the body and boosts immune function, physical, and even emotional health.
I Specialize In Treating
I Specialize In Treating
Herbal Medicine
I may prescribe Chinese herbal medicine depending on the case.
Herbs have been around 3,000 years and are often combined with acupuncture in the treatment of a variety of medical conditions. It includes the use of plant products – leaves, stems, bark, roots, seeds, flowers, fruit – in raw or processed forms. Herbs are used to strengthen, support, or balance the body. Herbal formulas are prescribed based on the individual’s diagnosis and constitution.
I use herbs formulated in capsules, powder, and pills. I only carry high-quality herbal formulas that are thoroughly batch tested and have GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) certification.
Are Chinese herbs safe? Yes!
What many people may not be aware of is that they may already be eating many Chinese herbs already in their diet. Also, many people in Asia already use herbal remedies in their own cooking at home.
In Chinese Medicine
In Chinese Medicine
Cupping therapy is used in Traditional Chinese Medicine since the ancient days.
It uses special cups on your skin for a few minutes to create suction. It can have many different purposes, including to help with pain, inflammation, blood flow, relaxation, and well-being and also as a type of deep-tissue massage.
I use two types of cupping in my clinic. I use the traditional glass cupping that uses a small flame to create a suction. I also use plastic cups with a pump.
Cupping therapy at Acupuncture Avenue.
I offer cupping therapy to be combined with Acupuncture sessions. Cupping therapy is not offered as a stand-alone service.
Benefits Of Cupping
Benefits Of Cupping
First Consultation & Acupuncture
- Acupuncture Treatment
Follow-Up Treatment
- Acupuncture Treatment
Cupping Treatment
- Cupping Treatment
*Additional charges may apply for additional treatment modalities base on medical necessity and the complexity of the condition(s) to be treated. Cupping services can only be combined with acupuncture. Cupping is not offered as a stand-alone service
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