A few years ago I had sprained my ankle and was worried it wouldn’t heal in time for my wedding, which was only a month or two down the line then. Peter had offered to try acupuncture on me, letting me know that it would make a world of a difference in making sure I healed fast. It was my first time experience with acupuncture and I felt very nervous. Peter made sure to let me know exactly what he was doing and provided a relaxing environment. I felt like I could trust him with his experience in the matter. I can actually say I was at peace and was comfortable when I had the treatment. Right away, I noticed that the swelling went down drastically the next day. I went back for a few more treatments and within a week, I felt like nothing else I had done before could have made a difference compared to this acupuncture experience for my ankle. Needless to say, I had an awesome firsthand and first time experience with acupuncture and had a great time at my wedding dancing on my perfectly healed ankle!

H.M., Sprained Ankle

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